Yay Happy NaNo (Although by the time I publish this it will be Nano plus two but whatev's what ev's), I am not going to explain it just follow the link
But all you need to know that if I manage to do this, it covers the write a book element of my 33 things. Now I spent some time perusing the forums and freaking myself out with the planners of the world. Turns out I am not too old to learn things and I apparently fall into the category of "Pantsing" which means to fly by the seat of your pants - or as I like to call it making it up as you go along (much like my real life). In theory this means writing 1667 words a day, which after todays effort (3361) doesn't seem so bad. Your supposed to be good and not edit as you go, and so far I haven't but my fingers are already itching to. Also I had to stop writing because my main character or MC (told you I learn stuff) is behaving in the complete opposite way to how I had *ahem* planned. As a result I am a little bit scared of her.. (Don't tell her she will probably eat me for breakfast). Also have sound track for this year which is essentially anything by Garfunkel and Oates... and my second (yes I wrote two) chapter comes from this beauty
GAH why do I let girl child have access to my phone? It leads to selfy non selfies that take up all my phone memory, plus she filters the hell out of everything! Because I am apparently a soft touch, I ended up agreeing to take her back to Stafford (or as it is now known HELL NO) to go trick or treating with her buddies. Now bearing in mind I lived there for a long while, could I find her mates house no I could not, plus girl child phones her friend for directions... so the blind leading the blind (and she forgot to pack her glasses because she is vain) and naming random places I am too old to know about I eventually find it while shouting at both girl child and her too cool for me mate. I chucked her out of the car and wheel spun (okay I didn't I don't know how) the hell out of there and went to stay with my "northern" buddy, who taught me not one but two Northern traits.
^^^^ apparently acceptable Halloween costumes...
Where I come from (as in the South) trick or treating involves dressing up like a freaky character, knocking on peoples door's, screaming trick or treat and snatching as much free chocolate as you can. Up North apparently it involves all of the above, but instead of actually walking anywhere one simply drives door to door and shouting "hey you trick or treat, now come to my car and give me goodies" I do not have the energy to expend detailing this, but it amused me to the point of incontinence. Once one had ensconced chocolate filled but not (and this is important) physically exhausted children at the family home, one should spend the remainder of the evening in pubs in the MIDDLE of nowhere (and when I say nowhere I do mean places that even Narnia enchanted wardrobes can't meet) where just by turning up you lower the average age by 230%. Also important to recognise (for future use) that this is the kind of pub where you meet people you shouldn't (not that I'm directly quoting anyone) because after you get them drunk you can take them to a) the forest or b) the local dogging car park (not that I know what that is for the record).
Actually most amazing and friendly pub I have been in, and I do love to talk to a random Northerner who clearly recognises my southerness and names northern places I think he may have made up. Plus always cool to have space to spurt (yes I used spurt it is NaNoWriMO) out my inner most urk (Urk is a real word people) Then when I admit to being disgusting smoker it turns out they have the coolest (I already used any decent vocabulary on my novel) smoking pit ever. All one has to do is go through the Narnia Door (actually it was more Alice now I have time to think about it) to discover a whole new world of smoking.... red lights, warmth, very 80s / 90s sound track I've officially found the equivalent of my spiritual home. Also discovered that no matter where you go, internet enabled or not that there is a sound hound fan everywhere you go. (especially ironic when said sound hounder made the disc he is sound hounding)
Additionally the Northerners have the most amazing puddings ever... someone found a way to combine red velvet cake (or sex in a cake) with cheesecake (also sex in a cake... there is cheese which should automatically equal sex.. not that I'm stating a sexual preference)
Hubby tormented me with pictures of the kitty with no name, since he did his visit today (yay tomorrow or today and we can bring him home)... he is ridiculously cute
See... I don't lie
Got phone call from ex work buddy who insists that I go to work to see them all.... trapse (oooh lovely word) over to old work, meet buddies, EX BOSS TROLL BITCH (god I hope someone reads this and interprets this for what I really mean and tells her) says I shouldn't be here because of data protection, and why don't I meet people for lunch attempts to throw me out. Now if this was a workplace that actually knew about data protection I'd give her some respect, but she's got no balls and can't bring herself to say I'm an asshold please leave. I am so glad that I didn't travel all the way up there just for that visit. I didn't give her the satisfaction of an argument but believe me when I say if she actually cracked a smile she might mistake it for an orgasm. Plus AS IF I went there to read people's file GET OVER YOURSELF.... and all things considered all she really did was confirm why I left in the first place (worried I would have taken your job MUCH?) Never going back there in a squillion years....visited sick friend instead and enjoyed her company instead :)
Now it's not often that my mother dances, has autistic flaps or squeals with joy but when I got home the steamer had arrived and she was dancing, flapping and giggling like a mad thing. In my house Friday equals not cooking, eating junk and doing SFA (sweet fuck all) but not my mum with a steamer...
First she made hubby take the over door off...
Then despite not emptying the bin (god boy child is screwed when his cast comes off) she donned her rubber gloves and made noises in the kitchen that caused more than one flashback to my childhood!
I am VERY concerned that when I go back to work next week I will find that she steamed the hell out of everything.....
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