Tuesday, 31 December 2013

A Christmas round up, on the eve of the year - and if I find time a reflection of 2013

Righto, onwards into the new year we march, as I sit here with my tardis blue nails complete with banana's because one should always bring such things to parties, with my heavily embellished eyes that were supposed to also go with the tardis theme that actually look like I've been smacked in the face, long trailing hair that I am itching to cut and frock (unsurprisingly also blue of the well you know variety) that it took three of my family to get me into, it occurs to me that I didn't cover Christmas and well I didn't blog (nothing new there peeps)

Disclaimer: it is now the eve of the year and therefore the idea of a long (yet hilarious) round up when I could instead be getting smashed out of my face (although the make up already makes me look that) quite frankly is not on the order for tonight. So in the tried and tested manner I shall bullet point the Christmas proceedings, do some waffle about 2013 and my hopes for 2014 before finally exploding out of my dress and having to run upstairs and get dressed.

- Christmas eve:

- Went to work, mightily pissed of at the fact that ever the conformist I stuck to the rules and actually went into the office to do my *ahem* work to find NO ONE ELSE BOTHERED
- won how many Ferraro Roche can you fit in your mouth contest with opposing team who did turn up for *work*
- did traditional family unwrapping of Santa's pajamas's (his gift to us not some satanic ritual were we all stripped Santa because that would be both sick and perverted)
- ate food watched crap, waiting for Santa to arrive, ruined hubby's Christmas by presenting him with a Christmas present even though we swore blind we wouldn't gift this year
-waited for hubby to return from garage with cross look on face
- passed out due to alcoholic beverages made by my mum

Christmas day:

-Woke up forgot it was Christmas day
- Discovered mum and children and was reminded very heavily that it was in fact Christmas day
- grunted and had fag and glass of mulled wine (no tea for me on Christmas day I'm hardcore)
- made traditional Christmas breakfast of snotty eggs and soldiers, left the room with mother because neither of us wanted to vomit on the day of the Christmas.
- Did presents
-watched mum dance around in THE pink boots (wishes I had videoed it)
- Had absolutely NO input into dinner as mum took over the kitchen. Handed her various alcoholic beverages through the  crack in the door at different intervals so as to defuse her mania, and got well drunk
- Had dinner - was yummy
-got card from hubby in which he had scratched out happy Christmas uncle and wrote in wife.... eased his worried frown by laughing (still pissed)
- cried a lot at the doctor's regeneration which made mum wonder if I was having an "episode"

Boxing day

- Mum made even more food and then threw the trifle up the wall. She says her glasses slipped, I say she had been at the Sloe Gin
- Waited an hour before Boy Child said "errrgh why is the wallpaper and floor wet" - watched mum flush with embarrassment
- Got drunk

All the other days

- went to work
- waited up for mum all night when the burglar alarm went off at her work so she had to go back and sit there till two in the morning - listened to her rants when she came home (drank)
- laughed at mum who tried to throw a t shirt down the toilet instead of the washing basket (dementia)
- listened to mum laugh at me when I forgot to take my onesie off and went to the toilet (true story)

SEE I can be concise; years of social work training; and need for alchemehol plus a bit worried that frock is making straining noises..


2013 was to be honest not my favorite year, but I am still breathing so it's not been the worst either. I will be glad to say goodbye to it, even though I do realize that just cos the date changes doesn't actually wipe out history like I try to pretend, but I did do some cool stuff like change house and job and mum came to stay and I turned 33, grew my hair (and my waist line) saw the 50th anniversary and the regeneration on the doctor, got a cat, oooh and I wrote a whole novel (how did I forget that?). I also guess I started to bury some hatchets (into people) and did a minimal amount of self growth and healing so it wasn't all bad. Plus I have extensive knowledge should I feel the need to write a hospital tour guide or give people the inside scoop on livers. Actually now I wrote all that I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought when I was going to write about woe and misery...

So into the new year I will be taking my hair and my expanding waist line, my new knowledge, optimism about the new new job, my 33 things still to achieve, the friends that have put up with me over the last year, my liver knowledge (unfortunately)  my writing (which I do intend to come back to starting tomorrow now that I know that I can) the love of my family (mad as they all are) and my own sense of self. What I will leave behind is the negativity and as much of the cyclical depressive stuff  that I can(I'm boring myself with that crap now). I'm not taking the self doubt and berating myself or even (and you know who you are) the excessive apologizing for my sheer existence.

and as if it were a speech: (note that I totally stole this:)

I wish you enough sun
to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain
to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness
to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain
so that the smallest joys in life
appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain
to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss
to appreciate all you possess.
I wish you enough hellos
to get you through the final goodbye.
*By Bob Perks

Love you all

me xxxx

P.S I'm doing dry Stopanuary as of tomorrow... (but we'll discuss that horror in the new year)

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