Boy child had another shower this morning totalling 4 showers this year, which in itself is a record, I am seriously thinking of phoning the Guinness World Records and having an entry made, although I remain unclear of the actual ethics of recording boy child washing! Was pretty funky this morning and had to do a visit that involved an hour cross country driving. To be honest my heart wasn't in it and I really really didn't want to go. I did but scared the living daylights out of myself because I forgot that I live in a rural ish area and that my destination was also rural. Also I didn't take in to account that they have actual rivers here, that swell and flood when it rains excessively. Lets just say that aqua planing the car (a term I previously thought was one of those myths driving instructors tell you to scare you) and not falling off the side of what I would refer to as a mountain (according to the sign it was a hill but its all about perspective right?) kind of shifts your funk of funkiness to oh god I went through that and I'm STILL here? Then in the way that life just has of slapping you in the face and reminding you that you are a total ass I met the single most amazing and inspiring person I think I have ever met. Was actually a bit cross about this because I was forced to reflect on the equally scary drive home that whatever I feel or don't feel there are people out there with so much more on their plate that are still way inspiring people. I actually for the first time in a long while came out of a visit and felt that I had actually enjoyed myself.
Came home and bored mother to tears with epic, inspiring visit. She distracted me with parcel of craft goodies:

Which I have to confess cheered me up significantly. I have since gone on one of my rampages where it is essential that I finally once and for all clean up all my craft stuff. Got distracted by stuff I forgot I had and once again the front front room (so posh I named it twice) is a bomb site of crafts and boxes and pens. Craft stuff remains decidedly unsorted.
Boy child's school is celebrating it's something anniversary tomorrow and according to him he has to dress like a school boy; as opposed to whatever it is he thinks he dresses as everyday and wrap his lunch in brown paper and string. Boy child and I recently got into one of our MANY arguments about shoes when he broke yet another pair (by accident). I lost my temper about this, which he knew I would so he suggested that since he had one good shoe of each pair that he could wear odd shoes. I then spent a good half an hour explaining that while I may never be one of these natural parents and as scatty as a scatty thing, that there is no way in hell that I am sending him to school in odd shoes. Clearly he does not believe that I have any kind of standard and has held on to this collection of shoes; you know just in case...
Please let me explain that the two outer shoes while are a matching pair are not the same pair of shoes that were originally purchased, this is how many pairs he goes through. He has decided that to show his support for the school (even though I demanded he throw them out) that he is going to wear his odd shoes and suit as befits what I think he meant "pauper". Personally I blame mum who suggested that he can tell them all that he is lucky to be wearing shoes in the first place even if they don't match and really get into the spirit of things. Clearly he had no confidence in me or my ability to wrap things in brown paper (although based on this week he nearly ended it up with it on his head to patch the dent) and so got a brown bag from the school instead. Curious to see if he has a shower tomorrow if he's going to wear odd shoes. I'll let you know.
Oddly proud to see that my genes and behaviours have clearly entered the girl child's persona. I hate wearing bra's with a passion and confess that it is always the first item of clothing to come off when I am at home or out drinking. I hate the damn things, turns out despite all her moaning that she needs a bra that so does she, so when she walked through the door and dumped her bra in the middle of the front front room (it's a real place people just like Narnia) I was actually quite proud and amused.
Of course mum did her whole "oh god your just like your mother, if you do that when you grow up everyone will think your a slut, and the dirty kind not the sexy one" speech. So naturally I had to pull out my official parenting voice and agree in harmony. Girl child knows me well enough and saw through the "false" mutual agreement and left the bra that mum dyed green by accident in the middle of the floor before running off to make ham traps for Benedict Cumberbatch:
Clearly I am getting old...
Finally I decided to watch the undateables which I have mixed feelings about, however taken from my own knowledge and perspective and I can see the difficulties that these people experience. While watching this and there being an awkward pause in particular date scene, mum pipes up with "god I remember that feeling" so foolishly I inquire as to what which is when she says: " you know being on a date that is awkward and not knowing what to say but that you want to leave, my first thoughts were always how quick can I get out of here and can I fit that steak in my handbag?" Suddenly a lot of my childhood issues make a lot of sense and explains exactly the kind of date my mother is.... I can honestly say hand on heart that I have never no matter how uncomfortable tried to put a steak in my handbag...
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