Boy child was looking a little sickly but putting a macho boy face on, so I bundled the little mite into the car and off to minor injuries (god knows what work think about me bearing in mind that less than a few weeks ago I was taking girl child to the very same hospital) Now the good thing about the boy child is that he is a male minature me, and therefore amusing company even when he is in a ridiculous amount of pain. So we did the xrays and the examination and waited to find out if he would need to go to "proper" hospital and we amused each other by bending our ears into ridiculous shapes (oh alright I did it to him) and people watched and then he made me laugh when the phone rang and the nurse who was a proper lad's lad and spoke to us like real people then launch into the kind of medical speak that just sounds like babble. You did have to be there to see boy child's face and reaction that just said "what the hell" , long story short because I have hospital hangover they gave him a temporary cast and sent us off to the real hospital..
Cast number one. Boy child wanted to ring dad and nonna on the way to the hospital and said to both of them, "I'll be alright if I can survive mum's driving" - Everyone's a critic, but I decided it was the medication talking and forgave him. On arrival to hospital they took us into a ward straight away (which only added to my worry as to how serious things were despite his positive demeanour) and we sat and played hospital eye spy. This is when I learnt not to play with him who comes up with things like BI and I look round the ward like a lunatic before he says "it's behind you" which is when I saw the leaflet for Burns Injury(the big cheat)
Us waiting in the children's ward, and boy child is highly fed up at the idea of not eating for several hours. Also since football got us into this mess, when I picked him up from school he had his shorts on one sock, half a shirt and then it thundered it down so I ended up giving him my clothes even though he does insist on doing the werewolf thing from twilight. Had small moment of panic when they took his readings and the nurse looked worried and said I'll be back (not what I EVER want to hear in a hospital) and did come back and read him again and again before disappearing again. Finally she came with a stethoscope and a doctor before announcing that boy child was the coolest child she had ever met due to his resting heart rate being a low 50, I did try and tell her he was lazy but she was still amazed. At this point he announced that he was glad he had broken his wrist as he wouldn't want to go back to school after all this fuss with nothing!!
Lots and Lots of waiting before he got the official arrow, which made him laugh because he thought it was obvious which arm was the problem. The nice nurse asked him if he had or needed a social worker, which caused a giggle when he said "I have one, she's my mum" Then the surgeon who also speaks medical waved a lot of paper work at me and muttered on about consent, and wires and risk (I really wish he hadn't) and the anaesthetist (who sorry hubby was drool worthy) who was fabulous and took the micky out of boy child supporting Liverpool and explained the process in way that he could understand (gold star for both gorgeousness and understanding). Boy child was wildly brave until they put the needle in his hand... He also stated "I think girl child got the better end of the deal"
And then they whisked him away, boy child insisted that Dad was with him to sleep and I was there for waking, so we spend an hour worrying....
Before he came out alive and well and thoroughly casted. I knew he was fine when his first words were I'm hungry...
An hour later with tea and toast inside him, and all teched out thanks to Dad who knows how bored we get...
And finally he stopped fighting the drugs and while complaining about having his hands upright he fell asleep. No way was I going home, but I did discover that sleep is not possible in a ward full of injured teenage boys who snore, fart, burp and scratch throughout the night, plus it was freezing. Boy child didn't get a good nights sleep either as they had to check him every two hours and by 5am he was demanding drugs and breakfast (that's my boy) I had thought about disappearing off to the addicition ward to get me some alcohol, or raiding the medical supplies, but then I remembered the budget cuts and decided it wasn't worth the effort
5am this morning
Little bit of a fright when they took the needle out of his hand and then 5 minutes later there was blood everywhere, I was trying to do my calm in control mother face, and he was trying to do his calm oh god mum's going to pass out at this face... thankfully the nurses reacted before either he bled everywhere or I passed out, but I should have known we wouldn't make it out without bloodshed.
Much to both of our relief the Dr said we could go home, but we have to return on Tuesday to see if he needs wires or just another cast, so we got out of there (via McDonalds but it is the only thing he asked for) as mum went off to the very same hospital. I promptly fell asleep and boy child amused himself with TV and food, a lot of food...

We spent a lot of time together over the last two days so we came up with some new rules, one I could sign the cast first because I was there first (so I did) but that I am not allowed to turn it into a craft project.... I shall just wait till he is sleeping.. second that he's allowed one break per childhood and therefore he has used this up, and any further emergency's if they are gross school rings dad and if they are minor school rings me... which we both decided was a good plan. We also decided that it was acceptable to eat an entire tub of mint choc chip ice cream between us...
Remember how I tided this up the other day... well dada!!! (insert fan fare here) I now look like I live in the house the hoarders forgot, because hubby in his coping mechanism distraction technique decided to mount the telly to the wall and didn't know where to put my books. I will confess that mother points out I don't cope with change, I'm OCD about how my books are ordered (even though she did offer to put them away knowing that I would get stroppy) and I hate to tidy... so I have done nothing about this today, I don't have the inclination...
But I was pleased to discover that I never have to dust again.... not now I have dust in a can (stock up people it's genius)
After all of this I was mighty pissed when school (the other one) phone to say girl child was in the medical office (oh good lord no)...........
Because she had a HEADACHE and couldn't walk to catch the bus.... I mean REALLY.... I sent hubby.... and then I frowned at her when she walked through the door... (Look I've done more parenting in the last 48 hours than I have in the last month therefore I am all used up)
And finally because I am over tired and crabby... proof that girl child can be nice to boy child... we'll see how long that lasts....
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