Saturday, 19 October 2013

Halloween, Hair Dye, and Pokefest...

So after yesterdays drink a thon, I fell out of my pit at 12:59pm and cursed because as always when the weekend comes, I had made a million squillion plans of how much more productive I was going to be these weekend and get stuff done.  (FAIL) Allowed myself the mandatory 20 minute wake up routine of ignoring everyone (who had clearly been up for many many hours hence the death stares) smoking excessively and drinking as much liquorice tea as possible.

Gentley cajoled hubby into getting the food shopping done. Now he has a natural aversion to our local Asda, for a man who is so laid back that he should be dead. It's like the minute he gets near the place he channels satan and a cave man all at once and just wants to murder all the innocent Saturday supermarket shoppers. I have to deal with this by knowing roughly what I want and charging around the store as quickly as possible to prevent a complete melt down on the hubby's behalf. I stalled him first by insisting he take me to poundland (he doesn't suffer the same pent up rage in here and I can normally reassure him with a £1 pack of sweeties). Needed to acquire emergency supplies for Cubs on Monday since I really am winging it / running out of time / panicking about whether I can really do this. Luckily poundland does all manner of halloweeny crap that I can use for these kind of events. Did food shopping (okay mainly Vodka and crisps but they are still valid supplies)

We got home and despite Hubby stating that he does want nothing to do with my insane halloween and scout relating projects did disassemble my shopping purchases so that I can make my group reassemble them. There was a nasty moment in which Hubby stabbed himself with a fork and bled everywhere, but I made sure he finished the job before applying first aid.

(See practical me)

Decided in one of my crazy last minute hair brained ways that what I need for halloween is props and paper mache.... so I got all slap happy with the wall paper paste and balloons that will not be dry in time for Monday that will either be cauldrons or pumpkins, failing to meet the deadline means they will become baubles or snowmen for Christmas. Have to confess that there is a certain relaxation element about smoothing bits of paper in a glue globby mess onto balloons.

In the abscence of any decent storage, that poor room that I keep tidying just to untidy ended up looking like this:


And then I sat and cut out a lot of ghosts and bats without any actual plan for what it is I am supposed be doing.

Also spent ridiculous amount of time proving that I am indeed a smoker with crap lung capacity as it took me a good 15 minutes to inflate these pumpkins....

As always no day is complete without a bit of the old Dr and I was spoiled today with this very fabulous jigsaw that I intend to complete and then frame on the wall. Household do not realize this but I am slowly building a wall of Who in the front room, I'm actually surprised that they haven't cottoned on since he is kind of all over my house like a beacon (or shrine) in case he ever calls by with his Tardis (I can dream all right?)

I have been wandering around for a long time in a slightly shaggy and very ginger state, and announcing on regular intervals that I am going to fix this... Its like a weekly ritual now in which I say it, everyone else agrees and then the subject is left to rest for the next week. Clearly hubby got fed up of this conversation and went out and got dye, which is apparently going to be french roast when it comes out. I ran out of vaseline so decided to use vicks instead, this so far (still waiting for it to set while I blog) turns out to be a huge mistake since I am battling through the smell of vicks and hair dye and trying not to asphyxiate on the fumes. Also using vicks and putting a carrier bag on your head means that your ears and face feel like they are going to burn off through heat exhaustion, but at least I can rest easy that I'm probably not going to get a head cold anytime soon....

I did cook dinner which was fajitas and I have to say that fake chicken is kind of edible but rubbish, but I am still a vegetarian so yay nearly two weeks down... which means nearly half way there right? 

And finally in other news, because I haven't been up long enough to have done anything amusing... the family who have declared it pokefest, all gave me this look when I interrupted the poke-catching to ask for a photo...

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