So as if being 33 and fabulous wasn't enough... I woke up to be the proud owner of My new and soon to be developed website and got a song all about me and my birthday (props to hubby who must have trawled the whole internet and outernet and othernet to find a birthday song about Tabitha's) which I have played repetitively and made my theme tune to the entire day.... much giggles and hilarity at my mother doing the dog howl in the middle of the song from the shower earlier today! My guess is that hubby got me the website for when you know I finish / start / write / procrastinate that book and become world famous or something (no pressure there)
Anyhoo I digress... so I awoke feeling very birthday like and convinced that today is the day that the Dr is going to arrive in his tardis and take me exploring (I have excellent companion skills) so I thought I should stick to the adage of always dress as if the Dr was going to arrive.... This consisted of super boob lifting, plumping, pushing and tweaking bra... glamorous red carpet black velvet dress (one should always be fabulous looking) converse stolen from son because he has boots and I have shoes (in the hope that I get Tennant rather than smith but I'm not that fussed) long cardigan (in case of cold weather) and matching knickers (to the bra not anything else and no they don't lift and tweak and push the lady garden department)... and I waited for him to arrive..
Naturally both my mother and husband had decorated the house and made it all pink and birthday (very much appreciated now staying up for months) and Dann made me home made McDonalds bacon muffins and cheese slice muffins (mmmm mmmm mmm mmm) which were scrumlicous (I didn't like to tell him that I already ate a double chocolate doughnut.... but I made room none the less)
Then we did birthday presents......

Check out ultimate birthday princess crown (cue another verse of my dog says woof woof to you) that I got and made myself .... (I love crafting) which finished off my perfect birthday outfit ready for time travel... I will always know how old I am....

As you can see I got much spoils with the Dr who although I suspect on my not birthday tomorrow there is going to be much fighting about where exactly the Dr is going to go (assuming he doesn't turn up there is still time) apparently putting the Dr on the ceiling in my bedroom is not appropriate (I disagree) but I can throw a strop until Dann gives up, my second suggestion was above the fire place but APPARENTLY that's where the TV is going (may use this as leverage to having it directly above where I sleep) Also very fabulous all singing all dancing Tardis cookie jar (I am so going to keep all my secrets in there as well as cookies) I keep pressing it and making the noise happen in the hope that the Dr will hear it and know its times to arrive (still not happened yet)
Played GTA 5 and declared it the stupidest game ever (on my hot pink xbox controller thank you very much) because I can't drive any more on the xbox than I can in real life... this led to a minor conflict with hubby who tried to advise me (like he did last night when we got in a fight about maths) how to drive (not unlike real life) ... clearly I looked like I was in danger of throwing a birthday temper tantrum of epic proportions so he distracted me with sky rim telling me it was a slower placed game and that there was no driving.... he won I was placated... (But this is because I am 33 now and have declared that I am a temple of serenity and wisdom who will make peace with others) I got bored after a while and stated that my children were selfish for going to school and abandoning me on my day of sheer awesomeness... clearly I spoke to soon as they bounded through the door and wanted affection and hugs and... (well only boy child) because girl child was too concerned with going ice skating and god it's just your birthday mum... its always all about you anyway and eating noodles...
There was also the horrible moment when I threw my iPhone into my birthday tea and my heart stopped.... I don't think I know how to function without my phone... Hubby manfully staved of my teas with an ice cream box and some rice (he really is a god...) neither of which were for eating but phone saving.... there were a few terse moments before we discovered that having a Tardis phone cover saves a lot of phone damage... however my microphone was broked... (yes broked its a real word) but then dann the man with air in a can ... magically made it all better and life was good again...

Then Lee of the Lou arrived with above fabulousness ness which instantly made me think oh crap how am I going to top this at Christmas (really beginning to wish we hadn't started this craft off because every-time I do something fabulous she goes one better) and it is gorgeous....every-time I look at it I see something new... she additionally spoiled me rotten and went down my love of Alice in wonderland theme and got me so much goodness but my fave is the mini drink me bottle on a necklace that I am probably NEVER going to take off... so I can sit in my Alice in wonderland stockings, with my Alice badges, colouring books, nails and drink me bottle and fall into wonderland.... (she knows me too well)
She and Dann who have declared that as part of my 33 things is watch all the classic films (that for the record they have declared as epic) that I haven't seen, this led to much hilarity and giggles (and possibly a snort) in which she and Dann took the piss out of my knowledge (or lack of) on films.... between the two of them (and I will publish a list later in the week) It looks like I'm going to spend a year watching nothing but films and not achieving my other 32 things.....
Also got favourite tea in the world Macaroni and cheese (but only good when made by my mother no one else) and peas and ketchup.... (only without the peas because they are gross.... but you have to have the peas on the plate because it is mandatory)
^^^^^ look lovely Dr who pictures (hanging places to be justified)
Then there was flowers (can you say spoiled?)
And as if having my own birthday song (happy bday Tabitha) wasn't enough my mum went and out did herself with this beauty... (Best birthday EVER) which no one is allowed to cut, eat, breathe on... NOTHING!!!
Then the school phoned to inform us that girl child (who abandoned her mother on her birthday) had taken a fall on the ice and MAY have broken her arm ... we have to wait till 10 before we can pick her up (am hoping this means its not that bad) and then a possible trip to good old accident and emergency (that's KARMA for abandoning your mother)..... it was around this point that despite waiting all day that I figured that clearly the Dr got his signals mixed or has to save the world from angels, cyber-men or daleks and is unlikely to arrive today so put my cow onesie on...(If we go to the hospital I am not taking it off because its my birthday and I don't have to....) Must remember to remind mum to inform the Dr where I am in case he arrives late...
And that my dears is my birthday.... unlike last year I did not sit on the floor and weep for my youth, or declare myself dead, or throw stuff (other than phone) around the place which means that I may not be a Bridget (Jones) after all this year... It was truly epic (even girl child stuff)...
Since I achieved nothing on my 33 things list... I'll save the list for tomorrow... but it is done and stuck on the fridge ready to go....
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