Note above from from 33 things I am going to cook and cook well (well every budding chef should have a recipe book to hand down through the generations) that I made comment on the lettuce soup...
Anyhow since other people (namely the small people) think I can't cook I'm kind of accepting of this however, I can bake (in fact I'm quite smug about the fact I can bake, but then I did work in a bakery for several years putting the cherry's on bake-well tarts ((its a REAL job people)) so it's to be expected) Based on this I though I would make some good old Soda Bread.... I did make many a stereotypical reference about Irish people and danced around the kitchen singing about the luck o the Irish and saying begorrah a lot (Okay I don't actually know if turnip soup and soda bread is an Irish thing but I liked the idea that it was at the time)
Now I probably should have realised that this was going to be a fail at this time of the baking process... but I am nothing if not optimistic.. and I banned mum from eating anything for 40 minutes because yummy turnip soup and soda bread was incoming...
What I was aiming for... (you can already see where this is going right?)
What I got, and I'm not sure that when I cut it it should have "screamed" in the way that it did but oh well.... I have to say that it smelled more like gingerbread than soda bread and it tasted well... it was mildly better than the lettuce soup...
Turns out turnip soup is as gross as it sounds no matter how much you try and pretty it up with nutmeg and gingerbready soda bread.... It was again a triumph in taste sensation... Mum valiantly ate it while trying not to gag and I did the same (wishing that I had a variety of pot plants to hide it in).. we ate it in silence... (in a shocked there are no words for this muck kind of way) as if punishing each other and daring the other one to crack first..... interest fact about turnip soup... its as cleansing as the lettuce (really going to have to invest in an outhouse if I keep cooking stuff like this) .. Hubby who refused to partake in such stupidity got the chocolate ice cream out of the freezer and smugly ate his bowl of cereal and ice- cream while making comments about smell of turnip soup.... (he also begged mum not to go to Kent on Thursday because he is concerned he is going to die... if he does it won't be because of my soup trust me )
Despite all this I have decided that I am still going to crack this cooking marlarky and have accepted that despite apparently being the easiest thing to cook in the world soup is clearly not my forte so I am going to adventure into condiments:
Trust me by the time I'm done with this baby its going to be the bee's knees of mustard....(honest)
Anyhoo as I settled down for my Tuesday dose of rage and anger...(money saving meals for the record) my mum who takes all of my fads / whims and the like seriously made me a lovely jug of mint tea (see I am going to nail the vegetarian frugal life) which nearly ended up in the telly when Mr O was explaining not some 1 minute into his budget program that a £9 Chicken was a bargain... Well that led to a proper tantrum with me yelling and cussing and being furiously furious (because just furious is not enough)...which I think is as a result of the fact that I was feeling hungry from my turnip soup (but couldn't face another bowlful)....
To top this off I am currently feeling very flu like, which would be about right the week before I give up smoking, it's like my body is having a strike protesting about all the home-made *ahem* goodness going into it, the impending lack of nicotine and vegetarianism that is fast approaching... I gave in and had a power nap... in which I mean I went to bed with a book.... but then had to get up to go a voluntary interview which may have gone well until they asked me what my husband thought and I said "I don't care what my husband thinks" which raised a few eyebrows...
I do not even have the energy to discuss the girl child, only that I have renamed career week career wars because it is like hell on earth trying to have a sensible discussion with a hormonal 13 year old... I prefer talking to the boy child at the moment... grunting I can manage and understand on a basic level... all the eye rolling and "god mum your so uncool" and "you don't know what it's like" and the arm wailing is going to result in one of our deaths before Friday.....
That being said boy child has joined Young Voices (Very proud) but trust me if I hear walking on sunshine at 5am again this week, someone's going to be walking on something!
Cooking, invest in a slow cooker it rarely goes wrong... XX
ReplyDeleteI have a slow cooker and I am awesome with it, I'm just not awesome with a cooker...