Never let it be said that I don't do a thing properly.. I'm an all or nothing girl and I'm also a if you say I can't do it I will to spite you... so in pre birthday preparation for THE 33 thing list.... I took the compiled lists of the people that have a warped sense of humor (only 23 short of a full 33) and decided to apply a process of if it appears more than twice I have to do it.... (check the number of tree's I killed to do so and space taken up in living room; yes that is a vodka and coke to the side... not mine obviously because it is full)... So I sat with my (erasable) pink highlighter.... and pink and red (because its nearly pink) pen and prepared to organise this list in the way only a true Virgo can do...
^^^^^^^^ Picture above... very serious preparations for list making... (not unlike the sewing rule measure twice cut once... I attempted to apply the same principle.... or as I like to refer to it the Fuck it I'm doing it my way principle (c) tabs king 2013 )

^^^^^^^^ What I actually achieved.. one pink highlight later I felt pressurized over this whole list thing and my procrastinator kicked in... so I had a vodka and a fag instead... (I'm still 32 it's allowed)

Which is when my knight in shining tin foil and fellow geek stepped in and said... why the paper and pen.... we can make a spreadsheet.... I rolled my eyes and took the piss about how come everything has to be about a spreadsheet... we had a pre birthday argument, I sulked and then he waited until I (predictably) said I have a great idea lets do a spreadsheet... (If I was a fair person I would give him a saintship for his patience but I'm not and he has lived with me for over 13 years and should know better)

Note the building of the spreadsheet... also birthday Vodka that I can't drink until tmrw.... (or as I see it midnight) and pile of pink presents that I am apparently not allowed to touch (too late did first thing this morning.. am awesome present guesser) ..... So using a technique of Dann's logic (writing every single suggestion down, then catergorising them by type, then creating a function of e=mc2 or similar and making a spreadsheet that can sing happy birthday, tell me my failings and print in 52 languages but not pour a decent Vodka) and my logic (picking out the things that I like and branding everything else as frankly ridiculous) the list was created..... In fairness EVERYBODY's suggestions were used and considered... even the highly ridiculous give up drinking... and to prove that although I did highly edit, approval was sought by an independent adjudicator (my mother) that the list for the 33 things is born...

Which is now in pen of the pink variety (thank god give up pink was not on the list anywhere).. please ignore blatant crossing out of things I changed my mind about.... I would write about the actual list today... but I'm still 32 and since I am planning on being amusingly tipsy tmrw I need something to just post into the damn blog... so unless you are sad enough to inspect the picture clearly (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) you will have to wait till tmrw for the official 33 things list..... it is epic though!!!
Stupid phone wont let me