Decided this morning to be productive and to deal with the mess that I have previously referred to as my vegetable patch.. to be fair I have left it to go to wrack and ruin, as I am an instant gratification kind of girl and I couldn't be coping with the having to actually wait for stuff to grow....
Now naturally since one of my 33 things is grow stuff... I'm not going to count any of this as my new growth count but I can officially say that I can grow a turnip or several hundred.... I can also apparently grow teeny weeny potatoes, diseased cabbages, minuscule carrots and lots and lots of lettuce....
I will say that although I was kind of sad that the veggie plot looks sad and lonely now it was quite exhilarating to beat the shit out of the earth in an aggressive manner... I also had that moment where I felt the need to save the veggies that had failed to grow... needless to say as much as hubby tried to prevent me from doing so my living room now looks like a greenhouse and I had to give the failed babies a chance to grow...

See above veggies (I grewed them all by myself) I feel like a proud parent... except that generally I don't make babies and then eat them..... because that's wrong (and illegal and well its just not socially acceptable)
So in the spirit of embracing my 33 things which involve saving (or as I prefer to look at it being frugal) and learning to cook I couldn't really throw out all my newly dug up vegetables so I spent a happy amount of time on Google looking at wonderful recipes to make out of turnips.... turns out there's a lot you can do with turnips (not all necessarily for eating... and trust me when I say that today I have seen things done with turnips on the internet that makes me wonder if there's a special fetish club for that kind of thing)...
I finally settled on soup... soup is cooking and its measurable and its specific and in theory this works towards my 33 days of vegetarianism (to be started at same time as Stoptober...) so lettuce soup and turnip soup it was to be...

Now I'm no Delia... and I did use Delia's how to cook for dummies (or whatever branding she uses these days to make us idiots feel like we don't have a clue... but at the start at this recipe it all looked healthy and lush... and scrum-mins.... and I smugly danced around my very small kitchen declaring myself a goddess of growth and cooking... listening to radio two (down by the sea if it matters)... waiting for the delectableness that awaited...
Let me be clear when I say... this is not what I got.... I did not get bright green yummyness... and I followed every step... including the "soften" part which normally I would skip and the exact cooking times (well okay 30 minutes sounded too short so I did it for an hour... or two... fine I got distracted by watching Shopaholic....)

This is what I got, sludgy green ick that reminds me of mushy peas (ewww) and looks like baby poo.....

During all of this I also made turnip soup ... mmmm appetisiing right? Now I did learn a few things which are that turnips are not fun to peel and neither is skin... I cussed more than a few times and took off a nail with the vegetable peeler.... there was a lot of dancing and screaming and not looking because I didn't want to pass out when I witnessed the bloody massacre that I imagined my fingers to be....but utter relief as only losing a nail (no it didn't go in the soup) Also I do not like earwigs and they are stubborn little scuttlerly bastards and just won't stay down the sink no matter how much water you run (scalded boy child at the same time because I forgot he was in the shower)
Once again I waited for deliciousness to descend upon me... (you would think I would know better... I didn't use Delia this time just a recipe from a fabulous blog I found during Google time)

What I actually got... wallpaper paste.... now I have tasted it and am of the opinion that its not the worst thing I have put in my mouth (Don't ask me to list worse things please) but I do genuinely believe that it would hang wallpaper very well (Hubby says I'm not allowed to test it)...
I am very concerned that this vegetarianism cooking thing just isn't going to work unless I eat purely chips and cheese... because I'm not sure that soups is my specialist skill... But I did dig out my SW books (not the social work ones the other well known diet) and discover that If I do the "Green" option I can be veggie and still eat four portions of cheese a day (wooooohooo)
Other important facts... I did want to record my cooking in a Jamie O does pukka cooking in my kitchen kind of way, but hubby said the world just wasn't ready for that kind of atrocity so I abandoned the podcast/ you tube video and in fairness the slicing of my nail would not have made good viewing.... (maybe next time) but I still talked as if I was doing a cookery show while cooking... (well if cooking shows had foul language and throwing stuff on the floor and declaring 5 second rules and wallpaper paste) which cheered me no end...

Only girl child was brave enough to try either soup (boy child said he would rather eat cake... so would I son so would I and did so) and decided that lettuce soup was in fact yummy.... until I gave her a whole cupful... but turnip was better....
Tomorrow's adventures?... Soda Bread.... well it can't be any worse right??
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